Hello from Steyer,
I have two separate but related (and fun) updates for you this week.
The first: Starting in 2020, we’ve forgone physical new-year client gifts (we used to do local chocolates) for a charitable donation and a beautiful digital card instead. This year, we decided to donate to the California Fire Foundation given the recent devastation in Los Angeles. This year’s card, below, is a collaborative effort from Josh Krenz, director of content services; Jordyn Hatch, director of business development; and Lauren Seals, graphic designer. It emphasizes stories and the importance of a clear voice in noisy 2025, and I share it with you here because I believe in the message—plus I’m proud of our team for coming up with a cool card in a busy time of year for us! (We had a huuuge month in December.)
The second: Genevieve Jacobsen (our director of recruiting) published an article on LinkedIn yesterday about AI-assisted sourcing, storytelling, and how she thinks about ”prismatic” job-seekers’ profiles as she assesses them for fit with roles at Steyer. An excerpt to tempt you:
“I continue to believe that what makes us stand out should shine more brightly than what makes us fit in, because this is what contributes to our very human, individual, and collective value. In a world increasingly shaped by algorithms, our most indispensable skill lies in our ability to make these human connections – to see beyond mere data points and recognize the potential in every unique professional journey.”
Read her piece over on LinkedIn.
Happy New Year, and I’m always happy to hear from you about how things are going and what’s on your mind. I’m at kreilly@steyer.net.