
Chat with Screenwriter Ian Steaman

Screenwriter Ian Steaman is going to visit us via Zoom (email for the link) to talk about representation in storytelling and late-in-life career twists.

Process note: This session is part of a series of monthly meetups that Steyer hosts. Some of these meetups are limited to Steyer employees only; some are open to the public. The idea is simply to spend a bit of time together exchanging stories and ideas—to get to know one another better and to learn from one another.

Missed the session? Watch a recording below!

  • Thursday, November 4, 2021 12:00-12:45 PT
  • Zoom Conference

About Ian Steaman. Ian is a recovering music executive turned award-winning screenwriter passionate about telling stories about underrepresented characters and worlds in mainstream culture. After over a decade working in the music industry in New York City followed by two years at CBC Music, he began a television writing career after graduating from the CFC’s Bell Media Prime Time TV program, going on to develop an original half-hour workplace comedy with CBC entitled Deadstock. He recently completed a stint as a Story Editor and Writer for the interconnected single cam family comedies, The Parker Andersons and Amelia Parker and is currently an Executive Story Editor and Writer on the new family comedy, Take Note for NBC’s streamer Peacock.

Photo credit: David Leyes

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