Need a Nudge?

For many content professionals, sitting for hours on end is an occupational hazard, and for those of you tackling NaNoWriMo, November may see your chair time spike even higher. So for one month, we’re bringing back the 7-Minute Workout, a blessedly short opportunity to stand up and move around a little, in the Zoom company of kindred spirits. Kindred spirits in this context = people who also spend too much time hunched over keyboards.

The Zoom link is created by Steyer Content, and each morning our CEO Kate Walton will be gasping through the workout, which is a simple YouTube video that anyone can access. If the past is anything to go by, most days there will be, max, one or two other people on the Zoom. This is a famously unpopular but utterly free offering!

A Zoom link that you can request by emailing Because of the internet’s Hateful Trolls Problem, we cannot post the link on our site, but Kate will happily email it to you.

8:40am PDT, weekdays from November 1, 2022 through November 30, 2022. We’ll start on time and end by 8:50 am PDT.

Again: just to move around a little—and to have some encouragement and accountability for doing that. There is no career benefit to joining these sessions: there will be no shop talk, zero networking, and very little idle chitchat. (Read as: Kate is not a morning person.) Come only if you feel like it. Turn your camera on only if you want to. Do whatever part of the workout you (and your doctor) deem wise. And finally, please know this: opting to stretch out on the floor, wholly invisible to the group, for seven blissful minutes is a completely legit approach, and you would not be the first to choose it.

Process note: This session is part of a series of virtual meetups that Steyer hosts. Some of these meetups are limited to Steyer employees only; some are open to the public. The idea is simply to spend a bit of time together—to get to know one another better and to support one another.

Image credit: Steyer Content. Shared with permission from Lisa Kniginyzky (featured in the left monitor). Lisa retired in 2021 after 17 years with Steyer—but may well join in the occasional workout!