
Podcaster and Writer Misasha Suzuki Graham

Please join us to learn from Misasha Suzuki Graham, DEI advocate, attorney, co-host of the award-winning Dear White Women podcast, and the co-author of Dear White Women: Let’s Get (Un)comfortable Talking About Racism (Collective Book Studio, 2021).

At a time when some companies are backing away from talking about race in the workplace (hello, Basecamp!), we’re committed to staying the course, however uncomfortable it gets. Among other things, this session will be an opportunity to discuss how to talk about race, especially in a work setting, and I hope you’ll all join us.

Process note: This session is part of a series of monthly meetups that Steyer hosts. Some of these meetups are limited to Steyer employees only; some are open to the public. The idea is simply to spend a bit of time together exchanging stories and ideas—to get to know one another better and to learn from one another.

Photo credit: Misasha Suzuki Graham


  • Thursday, April 29, 2021 12:00-12:45 PT
  • Zoom conference