This important work is being driven by our Co-CEOs, who will report out soon.

In the meantime, here’s what I know:

1. I am as motivated as ever by our ‘good jobs’ mission. (“If you weren’t,” joked a soulless but dear finance friend of mine, “you’d have put all your money in Nvidia by now.”)

2. The market’s continued focus on “efficiency” (read: spending cuts) is creating intense pressure on our cost structure.

3. If anyone can solve the puzzle that is Making Good Jobs Sustainable in an Increasingly Price-Sensitive World, it’s these two.

Stay tuned!


P.S. I love hearing from those of you who write to me. Whether you come at me as a kindred spirit, a critic, or both, I always get something valuable from my exchanges with Workings readers. In the same vein: if chatting vs. writing is more your speed, feel free to grab one of these 30-minute slots (every Thursday between 9:30am and 1:30pm PT). As this LinkedIn post explains, I’m setting this time aside primarily to provide free career counseling, but if there’s a slot available, you’re welcome to nab it for other types of conversations instead.

Photo by Maria Teneva on Unsplash