Instructor-Led Training Deck Development


Microsoft Azure Bootcamp, 2018

One of Microsoft’s fastest-growing orgs trains all new employees (both technical and non-technical) with an immersive, ever-changing bootcamp, with learning material developed by multiple SMEs and stakeholders. The org aims to equip course creators with a go-to look, feel, and set of best practices to scale

Our deliverable: On-brand, standardized PowerPoint instructional content template and accompanying use/style guide, on time and to spec.

  • Our design team worked closely with the Bootcamp content director to rework and amplify existing graphics and slide templates– as well as create new material– to map to Azure’s latest branding guidelines.
  • We built out and proofed a robust user’s guide for the template, delivered in Word, featuring instructional design best practices and graphic design advice for stakeholders creating new training material.
  • The template included multiple colorways, light and dark slide versions, and reusable themed graphics and icons to suit the Bootcamp’s “hiking adventure” visual theme.


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