e-Learning Design and Production


Microsoft Learn, 2018-2020

Microsoft’s e-learning platform, MS Learn, connects a wide range of learners (internal and external) with self-guided training content so they can add to their skill sets, explore new areas of potential career growth, and prepare for certifications.

We create: High-impact, highly digestible, self-guided “micro-learning” courses with multiple modules and topics mapped to Microsoft certifications for IT administrators and other audiences, published and maintained on MS Learn.

  • Steyer’s team of instructional designers unearths, organizes, and optimizes existing technical documentation and graphics for instructional purposes, aiming to make the most of every module and topic for a high-impact experience.
  • After our team creates the training material and converts to Markdown, we publish the content to MS Learn’s platform through a GitHub-powered CMS. Publication includes creating scaffolding, uploading video, integrating achievement artwork, and coordinating localization.
  • Our team also conducts gap analyses on available certification training material to generate strategic, informed target lists for new content development.
  • Products include Microsoft 365’s suite as well as Azure.


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