AR User Research and Video Documentation


Microsoft: HoloLens 2 + U.S. Army, 2018-present

Steyer provides video and research services to Microsoft’s HoloLens 2 user research and QA team as they develop AR prototypes for use in U.S. Army training and combat.

Our deliverables:

  • Support of the development, execution, and analysis of research studies
  • Research report development and presentation
  • Documentary-style summary videos (12-15 minutes each) showing key takeaways for Microsoft and military stakeholders
  • Project management and operational support


  • Methodologies leverage AI and mixed reality technology and include field research, in-lab studies, prototype testing, and survey research
  • Tented for, trusted with highly confidential and PII data gathering and management; team works directly with military stakeholders in the field
  • High-skill video production team in-field with research team to document, synthesize discoveries to inform prototype and software development
  • Mix of lengthy field work (5+ week-long studies) and intense lab sprints; tight turnaround on video, often 3 days or fewer


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